What is Tappy?
Tappy is an innovative Tap to Share service which therefore allows information to be shared with smartphones such as, for example, contact data (email, telephone, etc.) or links to social profiles (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.). The data is sent via an NFC tag, the TappyTag, on which the owner configures a profile via the app; the receiving smartphone, without the need to install any app, bringing the TappyTag close to the receiver opens the web browser on the internet page containing the shared data profile.

To compile the profiles and to read the data from the TappyTag, an active internet connection is required (wifi or through the telephone operator): although the data consumption via the internet is negligible, in particular for reading the TappyTag, it is report the need.

All data is stored in the cloud, so there is no risk of losing it in case of failure or loss of the TappyTag.

Why a Tappy app?
The Tappy app, available for both Android and iOS, is only needed to configure TappyTags and their data profiles; services similar to Tappy do not use apps to configure their tags but only a website; We believe that an app is better suited to today's mobile environment, can provide more services than a website, and is more secure

What is NFC? How to enable and use it
NFC is a contactless technology, whose activation on the smartphone is very similar to that of the better known Bluetooth: once the relative icon has been identified in the settings, simply press it to enable or disable NFC without any other type of configuration. Usually the icon looks like this:

Generally the NFC sensor, for android systems is located on the back of the smartphone in a central position while for Apple it is always on the back but at the top. It is always advisable to carry out some tests to determine the most favorable position for reception.

Do TappyTags of different shapes or materials have different functions?
No, the only functional difference between TappyTags is the type. The choice is personal based on the use you want to make of it.

What is passive geolocation?
When a TappyTag is read, if the owner authorizes, the GPS position of the smartphone is captured: then, from the shared data page, by pressing the "ANONYMOUS GPS" key, an email is sent to the TappyTag owner containing the detected coordinates and the link to Open the location on Google Maps. The email is anonymous and does not contain any reference to those who have read the TappyTag.

Is it possible to customize TappyTags?
Yes, various customization or sponsorship possibilities have been set up both on the TappyTag graphics and on the sharing page.

For further information or requests, you can contact us at the email address tappy@tappytag.it

What if my TappyTag no longer works or do I lose it?
No problem and no loss of data that is stored in the cloud: buy a new TappyTag and assign it the same data profile as the lost or no longer usable one. In a few steps you will be operational again.

How do I create the Tappy account?
Creating a Tappy account is very simple and takes place only through the app; by entering the email you want to use for the account (which can no longer be changed) you will receive an activation code in the box to be used within an hour. By entering this code in the app, the account is activated and you receive a temporary password via email with which you can log into the app. The app features will only be usable after changing the temporary password.

How many TappyTags can I activate in my Tappy account?
Non ci sono limitazioni: puoi attivare nel tuo account tutti i TappyTag che desideri, anche di tipologia diversa. Potresti avere un TappyTag per il tuo profilo personale, uno per quello professionale; ne puoi aggiungere uno con i dati Aziendali (magari attandolo vicino alla porta di ingresso) e un TravelTag per la borsa del PC (in modo da poter essere contattato in caso di smarrimento). Nessun limite anche sulle nuove tipologie che stiamo preparando.

Tappy profile and Bricks. What are?
A profile is the set of data that you want to share and is made up of many bricks, called bricks, each of which is associated with a type of data. There is a brick for the phone number, for the email address, for the Facebook account or the app on the store and many more will be added in the coming months, also for the metaverse.

How many profiles can I have in my Tappy account?
There are no limits, you can create as many profiles in your account as you need and:

  • associate them in turn with a single TappyTag;
  • have many TappyTags each with its own profile;
  • associate the same profile with multiple TappyTags for promotional use.

However, remember that a TappyTag can only be associated with one profile at a time and of the same type: it is not possible to assign a Personal profile to a Business TappyTag .